
Friday, June 10, 2011

The magic and beauty of telephoto...

I bought a zoom to capture my budding baseball star. Joey loves baseball this year. He has turned this corner with it. He gets the game. I mean, he really gets it now. When he gets that ball, his eyes dart to all the right bases, and he quickly throws it. He does a little happy dance when he is fast enough to get an out. And, I desperately want to capture it all. So, I obsessed over buying a zoom. I got the 70-200mm 4L, non-IS, in case you were curious. No action pics yet, later on that. I will say that I need serious practice cause I am not thrilled with my 200mm 100% crops. Anyhow...I just had to share some bokeh at 200mm. It is really amazing. I never shot with a 200mm lens. This pic is on my porch. The background is a nasty road, guard rail, buildings, and cars. But you can't really tell at 200mm, can ya?

And this is in the backyard, grape vines behind Paul.

Now, I must stop playing with my new lens and go pack for our vacation!


  1. I have been thinking about getting a different zoom. I will look forward to seeing some more pics! That first shot is just yummy with the lighting!! ENjoy baseball!! IT is so much fun watching them!

  2. Thanks for your input on my catcher photo. Backlighting always seems to through me off for some reason. For the catcher photo I used my 50mm 1.4. Otherwise I have the 55-200mm's ok, but not really. I'm not all that happy with it. Maybe I just need to work with it more. I shoot 98% of the time with my 50mm the other with my 35mm. I need that good all around lens, but I love my primes!? What's a girl to do?

  3. Beautiful. Your boys are so cute and provide great eye contact! Did you have to increase your ss more than you thought? Heavy lens? Can't wait to see more from this lens. Going anywhere fun for vacation? Enjoy!

  4. Exciting, Heidi! I made the mistake of dreaming about the 70-200 2.8 ... and then looked at the price! Holy Moly! You're images aren't helping!

  5. I have to hold my 55-250 really steady at the 200-250 range. that sucker is heavy!

  6. These look good! The colors in both of these are gorgeous, I really like the soft dreamy look in the first one. The bokeh on this lens is just DREAMY, you'll love it. I used it for football and it worked great!

  7. Oh my, these are gorgeous. I love the bokeh!!! They sure are handsome little boys!
