
Friday, April 15, 2011

Who knew

That a pair of $1.00 sun glasses...from the Target bargain section...

could make a kid so happy.
 Who knew?

And, I had some more self portrait adventures. Joe thinks taking self portraits is vain. Silly man. I used to think that, until I joined the photography world and realized it is a natural part of documentation. For me, it seems like the only way to document that these kids have a mother. lol You know how Max and Ruby(you know, those cute bunnies on Nickelodeon?) are always alone. There is a facebook page called, Where the Hell are Max and Ruby's Parents? LOL It has over 13,000 likes. Good Q. They are ALWAYS alone. I got to thinking. Maybe Max and Ruby's mom is the one filming them. Hidden behind that camera. Maybe? Anyhow, if you look at my life in pictures, it appears that my children, like Max and Ruby, have no mama. Where the Hell is she? Oh, yeah, behind the camera. Anyhow, at Clickinmoms, I came across a photographer, Misti, that took selfies. She said the best thing. She said that someday, when your kids look back on your family's pictures, they are going to want to see pictures of you more than themselves. So true. I love seeing pictures of my mom at different stages in our life. LOVE it. So, I took that to heart and started getting in more frames, even if it is just me and the camera in a refelction or distorted arms-length shots. LOL Here are some of my latest attempts. Camera held at arms length. Mama is half a person here because the distortion was so bad, I chopped off the big crooked looking nose. This is my better half, so that is good. j/k ;)

And, I am proudly wearing my new cardigan from Target.
Who knew a cardigan from Target could make a mama so happy?
Who knew?

 And, when I uploaded these, I thought I looked like my sister, Eva. Sometimes I see a pic of myself and think I look like one of my many sisters. This time, I swear, the whole pic(except the big ol' nasty distorted nose) looked like my sister Eva.


  1. You are so right! Trying to get into the pics when you are always the one clicking is a challenge! I love the first selfie and I love the glasses! Creative prop to put them in the tree and they look adorable on your little guy!

  2. OMG, a selfie eyelash shot! So very cool! (I might have to try this!) I like the glasses in the tree branches, too!

  3. haha, the best toys are the cheap ones!! love that self portrait... beautiful!

  4. You do look like Eva in that shot!

  5. Thank you all. :)

    Joani, I am glad you confirmed it, lol!

  6. I love these shots of you! Your eyes (eye? hehe) are so gorgeous... you rock selfies! I totally DO NOT!

  7. Beautiful self portraits Heidi! You have inspired me! And you are so right about Max & Ruby -- I bet the mom is their videographer :)

  8. Oh, this is something I am SO trying to work on! (And you cracked me up with Max and Ruby--you are so right!)

  9. I seriously CRY ... EVERY time I read your blog! I love you and I LOVE that you think you look like me because you are stunning and you know I mean it! I miss you so much sis!

  10. Oh! And you DO NOT have a distorted nose!!!

  11. Awwww...I mis you sis. SO. MUCH. :( Sob sob here too!!!
