
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Past weekend...on film

It was nice out, besides the mud and gray skies and chilly wind here or there, of course, so we got outside. Figured it would be a great time to play around with some film. 
We headed down to the rails to trails for some bike riding. For anyone that does not know, the trail is an old rail line, turned into a biking/hiking trail.
Joey has really come into his own with this whole bike riding thing. He rocks. He even attempted some wheelies. 

We had not gone very far before we saw this thinga-ma-jingie. From best I can tell, it was a handy way to load coal onto the trains below. We love finding little bits of history in places like this.

 The boys(and Joe) started exploring, and we soon found that piles of coal were everywhere.
See it? How old was it? How long has it been piled up here after the rails were abandoned? Pete spent several minutes doing this, basically getting no where, like a little running man, until I finally gave him a boost. 

If you look real close, Paul is like, look ma, more coal. 

Then, we started collected it, and placing it in the stroller. *sigh*
 Okay, boys, that is enough with the coal.

When Jude saw everyone get out, well, that was it for his peaceful strolling. He had to get out too.

And then we were on our way back.
 2 funny things about this picture. 
1. Paul was just smiling for the camera. He was fussy the whole time, and him and Joe were bickering back and forth about his chain skipping, not pedaling enough, the training wheels, etc. Those two. LOL
2. See Joe in the background with a piece of coal? Just like the kids, isn't he? Joe, enough with the coal. Put it down. 

Then, on Sunday, we had an Easter Egg hunt at the Knights of Columbus Hall. 
I was metering without a light meter, using some old filmy rules. You ever hear of the sunny f.16 rule? Of course you have. What about the cloudy f.11 rule? Yeah? Have you heard of the Central Pennsylvania-light-vacuum-more-dreary-than-before-charlie-found-the-golden-ticket-in-the-willie-wonka-and-the-chocolate-factory-movie-f.8-rule?  Oh you have. That's good. That is what I used. 

Earlier in the day:
Me: Joe, do you think we need to wear our mud boots to this?
Joe: Nahhhh.
 Lesson Spring in Central PA, always wear your mud boots...


  1. I am so impressed with your mad film skills, Heidi! Do you feel like this camera meters the same as your DSLR?? You're rocking it!

  2. You are so sweet, Lacey. :) On metering...I find the film iso seems more sensitive than my dslr iso-it seems like I can use a higher ss at similar isos with my film camera. ???? This older camera does not have true spot though, it is 10 degreeish spot, so not as precise as the spot on my rebel. But, way more latitude in exposure w/ film, so even if I am over a bit, it may be bright but not totally blown. :)
