
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I had a tea party with Paul, Pete, and Jude yesterday.

The service was...


The food?


Pete, wait! Wait! pretend to bite it. Pretend.

This is Pete, thinking, Paul is the smartest big brother ever because...

He discovered that...
 there is no banana inside this banana peel. Shocking.

Later, now you cannot tell(because I had my macro lens on instead of my 35), but this baby is in the middle of his baby toy basket. He climbs in and sits there, quite precariously.

And this mama got behind on her project 52. 2 pics behind. Good thing I did not attempt a 365, I would be, oh, 14 pics behind. Anyhow, here is a little make-up...macro project 52 pics...
Wood(knitting needle tops)
 And, I vow to not only take pics of these needles but to finally knit the kids some fake food with them. Maybe even a banana peel with a banana inside.

Beverage(tea label-focusing on the knot)

And, of course, Valentines Day theme.


  1. Four boys later and your having a tea party! Would you ever had thought it? LOL!

  2. he he he...I know. Too funny. I might need a girl. lol
