
Friday, January 21, 2011

Crazy. Babywearing. Mama

In case ya'll didn't know, I am just as fanatic about babywearing as photography. Have not blogged about it, cause well, our babywearing days are sporadic and few and far in between. Sad. Seems that my last two babies have been a little too independent and demanded out of my wraps as soon as they hit the sit-up age. :( Still, I steal some moments here or there.
 Jude, flashed out in a torso carry in our selendang from HUGS.

You know, this is funny, but babywearing is alot like photography to me. You have to learn alot, watch tutes, and practice. And, just like photography, your carriers can cost hundreds of dollars or just a few bucks. Nicer carriers make for more ease of use and more comfortable carrying at times(I have a few didymos wraps, I'm not gonna lie), but the cheaper ones, in able hands, will get the job done just fine(I use my 20 buck selendang or African Kanga as much as my didymos and girasol wraps).  Anyhow, over the years, to spread the babywearing love, I have made a few vids. These are my favorites:

Can you carry a newborn on your back? Your BACK? You bet. You can also carry a fat baby or toddler on your back. ;)

Can you nurse your baby in a wrap? Sure. 

What about those traditional torso carries, can I do that realistically? Sure. Once my baby is more toddler-ish, I use the torso carry a ton. Really!

I hope you enjoy these or find them useful. I had to disable comments on the youtube page. I hated to do that, but I just had to. For starters, I was terrible about responding to comments. Logging into youtube is not something I do often, so I would have comments I did not respond too for months. I felt so very rude. But, most of all, youtube is a huge community, with alot of weird people. I got some seriously whacked out comments. Because I was bad about logging on, all these weird comments would just sit there for months! lol I wanted to keep these vids up, because I have gotten the most heartfelt thanks from mamas learning to babywear(and this is why I swallowed by big fat butt postpartum pride and made them), but I could not manage the comments, so I disabled them. Now, I am great about checking blog comments, so please, anyone out there that has ANY questions about these, ask me here! I will respond. :)
And, to learn everything and anything you wanna know about babywearing, visit


  1. Great post! Love the photo! I love wearing my kiddos...great reminder to snap some pics!

  2. Love this Heidi - You are amazing and beautiful!

  3. those are too cute. I could never get the hang of the wraps, I went with the baby b'journ, and LOVEd it. then we had a backpack too, it was so nice to sling those kiddos around without a car seat! :)

  4. Thanks, Kristine and Jude. :)

    Aunt Joani, are you so sweet! Thank you! :)
