
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dear Photography, I love you

so so so very much.
Obviously I did not take the pictures below. My 7 y/o who is rocking his Kodak easy share like no body's bidness took these pics of me. 
This is how I have looked to my kids, my husband, for the last six months. What started out as a simple attempt to take better (or atleast not terrible) pics of my kids has turned into so. much. more. And, I am glad. It is *just* what I needed. And, I didn't even know I needed it(a bit more on that in a sec). I ventured into photography at the perfect time. I was in a new town. I did not have many friends. I was stuck at home with a new baby in the dead of winter. I won't say I was depressed, no, nothing like that. Just a little unsettled, bored. Focusing on photography these last 6 months has been both frustrating yet oddly rewarding. Frustrating because, I feel in love with it so much, I went a little OCD on it. I want to learn this or that, and I want to learn it NOW. I'm pretty much Veruca Salt from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. lol. j/k No, really, I have no patience. Things come with time, I know, but for me, I don't want to wait. I want to figure it out, and sometimes I cannot rest until I do just that. Some things are harder than others. And, so, yes, it has been frustrating at times. But, someone once told me that anything worth doing is going to be challenging. I agree. This new hobby of mine has a continuous learning curve, so I know I am in for more frustration, and it will continue to test my patience. But, the frustration is so worth it because it is so rewarding. Yes, this hobby is just what I needed. Okay, here is the sap/cheeseball/dork ramble coming up, just so ya know.
;) As I started to learn, improve, press that shutter, I realized that photography...I don't know...what is a good way to describe it...fulfills me. Like my cup was half full and now it is full. Who knew? Now, I don't mean that it 'fulfills' me in the traditional sense, like how my God, husband, kids, and family fulfill me. I love nothing more than them. They are my true reason for being. They totally fulfill me. I love my life. No, I mean that photography fulfills me in that it feeds this creative hunger I had...yet I had no idea I was hungry. But I was. I was starving to death. Had no clue! It was only after delving into this hobby that I realized just how much I needed this creative outlet. Now, I have always done something crafty, like knitting and sewing. And, I love to cook. I enjoy these things, but they don't bring me the same joy that photography brings me. Maybe I feel this way because I come from a long line of am NOT artistic, you know. But, maybe in my genes there is this need to create, and it just took me 30 odd years to find the right medium. lol just kidding... no, really, in all seriousness, I am glad I ventured into photography. It is nourishment for my creative soul. I mention I love my life. I do. I think photography suits me so well because of that too. I find so much beauty in tiny toddler fingers pointing out words in a book, 5 year-old eyelashes, running kids, funny expressions...I am thankful I can capture these things, so while I feed my creative soul, I get to capture the joy of my life. :) I had to share that. :) Oh, and on a funny the end of this post, I looked up at the title and realized that I capitalized the P in Freudian slip, I think. Says alot, lol! ;) P.S. Like the last two templates I used? I got them from Becky Earl Art (gosh I love her pics!!!) and they are totally awesome! Saves me precious time. And P.S.S I am a little embarrassed by how much I wear my undershirt around the house...I need a makeover or something...


  1. I couldn't have said it better myself. And I am wondering if we passed the same kodak easy share down to our kiddos? My 8 year old loves having a "real" camera :)
    PS (it may sadden you to know) my youngest came in, saw that middle pic and said, "Dat you mama?" apparently he sees me as having a camera in front of my face too ;)

  2. LOL Jude! That is funny...yup, you got camera face too, lol!!! ;)

  3. Omg, I could write this! Photography has definitely full-fulled me. I often tell people that it is what keeps me in touch with "me" when I spend my days being what my kids want me to be, you know?

    And I'll totally nominate you for "What Not to Wear", if you'd like! I would love to be on that show so don't take offense, lol!!

  4. Ugh..sorry for all the typos, btw, lol.

  5. You are so funny Kristine! Totally nominate me, I need new threads...or maybe I should just finally take a trip to the has been...over a year(gasp!!!). :)

  6. Doesn't help when we spend all our money on photog stuff either. :-X

  7. I could've written every word in this post! I've been using my "big girl camera" for a little of 4 months now and feel all the same feelings you are. I must now! I'm on clickin moms and can't seem to read enough and learn enough. Love your blog!

  8. Heidi, you are just so precious! Isn't it amazing how we are *so much* in the same place? If we only knew this back in 1996 :)
